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As a service to the profession of psychology and the public, the purpose of the Council shall be to actively promote, support, and implement the following:

  • A broad awareness of the nature of specialties in the practice of professional psychology within organized psychology and the general public.


  • A general organizational structure upon which the specialties can build and develop their organizations and provide any needed forum and consultation for the discussion of common issues among the specialties and for promoting collaboration among the specialties to insure the cooperation and resolution of issues among specialties.


  • Policies and procedures that further the development, education, training, credentialing, and practice of the specialties of professional psychology.


  • The development and communication of coherent and consistent policies and procedures within the specialties of professional psychology.


  • Quality assurance for education, training, credentialing, and professional practice among the specialties.


  • Advisement and consultation to the Commission on Accreditation (CoA) and The American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), and the greater professional community including The American Psychological Association (APA), The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB), The Council of Certifying Organizations in Professional Psychology (CCOPP), The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology (NR), The Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology (CRSPPP) regarding policy formation, the planning and coordination of education and training standards relevant to the accreditation and certification procedures for specialties in professional psychology.


  • Publishing and disseminating information considered significant by the Council to the specialties in professional psychology, other organizations within psychology, and to the general public.

     © 2021 Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology 

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