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Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 

Formal Specialty Definition: 


Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is a specialty of professional psychology, which brings together the basic tenets of clinical psychology with a thorough background in child, adolescent and family development and developmental psychopathology. Clinical child and adolescent psychologists conduct scientific research and provide psychological services to infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents. The research and practices of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology are focused on understanding, preventing, diagnosing, and treating psychological, cognitive, emotional, developmental, behavioral, and family problems of children. Of particular importance to clinical child and adolescent psychologists is a scientific understanding of the basic psychological needs of children and adolescents and how the family and other social contexts influence socio-emotional adjustment, cognitive development, behavioral adaptation, and health status of children and adolescents. There is an essential emphasis on a strong empirical research base recognizing the need for the documentation and further development of evidence-based assessments and treatments in clinical child and adolescent psychology.


Overview of Organization and Goals:


Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Specialty Presentation 2022




Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Specialty Council


Levels of Specialty Training: 


Specialty training in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is offered at the doctoral and postdoctoral level.


Specialty Board Certification: 


Board Certification in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (inclusive of Pediatric Psychology) is available through the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, which is a Specialty Board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).


Sources of Specialty Recognition: 


  1. APA/CRSPPP recognition

  2. ABPP recognition


Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Specialty Council Membership: 


  • Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Division 53 of the American Psychological Association)

  • Society of Pediatric Psychology (Division 54 of the American Psychological Association)

  • The American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

  • Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology Training Council


Specialty Related Web Links: 



Education and Training Guidelines: 




Anna Egan, Ph.D., ABPP


     © 2021 Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology 

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