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Specialty Postdoctoral Residency Competencies



Commission on Accreditation Implementing Regulations for Doctoral Graduate Programs, Internship Programs, and Postdoctoral Residency Programs



Section C: IRs related to the Standards of Accreditation 




The specialty specific postdoctoral residency competency documents for 10 specialties below were submitted to the APA Commission on Accreditation (CoA) in 2017 by CoS as products of a project to assist the CoA in identifying the competencies that will populate Level 3 (specialty competencies described in the Standards of Accreditation) for all CoA-recognized specialties.  The residency competencies and their essential elements developed by each specialty found in this section are proposed but not finalized.  The CoA, through an iterative process, reviewed and revised the submitted competencies and solicited public comment in 2019. An implementation date for the specialty specific competencies will depend upon response to public comment. The description of the process used for development of the submitted competencies by each specialty is also found in this section. The competencies for SMI were submitted in 2020.


The draft of IR C-9 Postdoctoral Residency Competencies was posted for public comment by CoA in November, 2019.  The public comment period closed on February 4, 2020.  Comments were provided by several specialties that addressed concerns about the rework of the Level 3 speciality competencies by the CoA.  The CoS also provided comments because the  draft of IR-C-9 competencies for public comment raised some concerns that CoS requested be addressed. A second period of public comment on the specialty residency competencies closed on October 9, 2020 and CoS again provided comments on the revised draft.  


The CoA opened a third period for public comment on IR C-9 P which refers specifically to aspects if a program's curriculum or training relevant to acquisition and documentation of specific competencies at the postdoctoral level.  This period of comment was from March 18,2021 through June 1, 2021. The postdoctoral competencies in IR C-9 P incorporate feedback provided in previous periods of public comment and first time public comment on the competencies for Serious Mental Illness Psychology.  Both Police and Public Safety Psychology and Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy postdoctoral competencies later opened for comment. Approved postdoctoral competencies for specialties are listed below. 

Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Clinical Child Psychology
Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Clinical Health Psychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Clinical Neuropsychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Couple and Family Psychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Forensic Psychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies




Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Police & Public Safety Psychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Rehabilitation Psychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies


Serious Mental Illness Psychology

Postdoctoral Residency Competencies





     © 2021 Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology 

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