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Couple and Family Psychology


Formal Specialty Definition:


Couple and Family Psychology focuses on relationships in families, couples, groups and organizations and the larger settings and contexts in which those relationships exist. Couple and Family psychologists teach, supervise, do research and engage in practice via consultation and treatment in a variety of settings.


Professional settings may include hospitals, clinics, independent practice, schools, colleges and universities, businesses, government and other organizations. Within these environments family psychologists may perform a variety of task, including interventions with individuals and their families, testing and evaluation, conducting workshops, advocating and impacting policies that affect families, teaching, consulting and conducting research related to families and other social systems.


Overview of Organization and Goals:


Couple and Family Psychology Specialty Council 2022




Couple and Family Psychology Specialty Council


Levels of Specialty Training:


Education and training in Couple and Family Psychology is available at the doctoral and postdoctoral level.


Specialty Board Certification:


Board Certification in Couple & Family Psychology is available through the American Board of Family Psychology, which is a Specialty Board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).


Sources of Specialty Recognition:


  1. APA/CRSPPP recognition

  2. ABPP recognition


Couple and Family Psychology Specialty Council Membership:


  • Academy of Family Psychology

  • American Board of Couple & Family Psychology

  • Division 43, the Society for Couple & Family Psychology, of the American Psychological Association

  • Representatives of doctoral and postdoctoral training programs


Specialty Related Web Links:



Education and Training Guidelines:




Cindy Carlson, PhD, ABPP


     © 2021 Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology 

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