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Forensic Psychology


Formal Specialty Definition:

Forensic Psychology is defined as the professional practice by psychologists within the areas of clinical psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, or another specialty recognized by the American Psychological Association, when they are engaged as experts and represent themselves as such, in an activity primarily intended to provide professional psychological expertise to the judicial system.


Overview of Organization and Goals:


Forensic Psychology Specialty Presentation 2022




Forensic Psychology Specialty Council


Levels of Specialty Training: 

Education and training in Forensic Psychology is available at the doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral levels. However, in order to function as Specialist in Forensic Psychology, postdoctoral training is required.


Specialty Board Certification: 

Board Certification in Forensic Psychology is available through the American Board of Forensic Psychology, which is a Specialty Board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).


Sources of Specialty Recognition: 


  • APA/CRSPPP recognition

  • ABPP recognition


Forensic Psychology Specialty Council Membership:


  • American Board of Forensic Psychology

  • Division of Law Society (41) of the American Psychological Association

Specialty Related Web Links: 


Education and Training Guidelines: 




Danielle Rynczak, JD, PsyD, ABPP


     © 2021 Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology 

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