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Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy


Formal Specialty Definition:


Psychologists who demonstrate expertise in group skills represent a specialty of professional psychology that integrates the basic tenets of group psychotherapy and group dynamics research. The ongoing process and outcome research informs standards of care for members of groups and constitutes the foundation of scientific knowledge.


Overview of Organization and Goals:


Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy Specialty Presentation 2022




Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy Specialty Council


Levels of Specialty Training: 

Education and Training in Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy is available at the doctoral and internship levels. Training programs expect advanced clinicians to deliver a variety of group services from structured, time-limited homogeneous groups to open-ended long-term traditional process groups.


Specialty Board Certification: 

Board Certification in Group Psychology is available through the American Board of Group Psychology (ABGP), which is a Specialty Board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) and the National Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists (CGP) through the American Group Psychotherapy Association.


Sources of Specialty Recognition: 


  1. APA/CRSPPP recognition 

  2. ABPP recognition


Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy Specialty Council Membership: 


  • American Psychological Association Division 49, Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy

  • American Board of Group Psychologists (ABGP)

  • American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA)

  • Association for Specialist in Group Work (ASGW)

Related Non-Psychology Groups: 


  • American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA)

  • Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW)

Specialty Related Web Links: 


Education and Training Guidelines: 





Noelle Lefforge, PhD


     © 2021 Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology 

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