I want to thank those Specialty Representatives who recently completed their terms on CoS: Drs. Nina Brown (Group Psychology & Group Psychotherapy), Glenn Curtiss (Rehabilitation Psychology).and David Corey (Police & Public Safety Psychology) he will remain on CoS as Secretary. There are several other representatives who are slated to leave CoS once their replacements have been identified: Drs. Glenn Smith (Clinical Neuropsychology), Kevin Arnold (Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology). Similarly, I want to welcome new representatives: Drs. Sally Barlow (Group Psychology & Group Psychotherapy),Jennifer Kelly (Police & Public Safety Psychology), Karen Farrell (Clinical Psychology), Michele Rusin (Rehabilitation Psychology), and Miriam Rubin (Sleep Psychology). A new School Psychology representative has not yet been identified by that specialty council after Dr. Michael Tansy needed to vacate his term early.
CoS has contracted with a webmaster, Bonnie Palmer, who will work with leadership to enhance our website and ensure that information is current. The most recent updates to the website are now posted. The home page features some new headings that guide the user more readily to specialty specific taxonomies and education and training guidelines, under the “E & T Resources” banner). The recently adopted CoS Primer providing orientation to the CoS for new and returning members alike is under the “About Us” banner on home page. A newly added feature is access to the Minutes of CoS meetings under the “Resources” banner.
I request that each specialty representative review the information on the website specific to your specialty. Is the information for your specialty complete and accurate? If not what is missing? Please forward corrections or additions that are needed to me at your earliest convenience.
My intent is to update this page periodically during the course of the year. We have an ambitious agenda that includes co-sponsoring another Interorganizational Summit in June. I look forward to the year ahead.
Again, thank you for your service on CoS.
Richard J. Seime, PhD, ABPP
President CoS 2018-2019