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Spring has finally sprung!! AT LAST

Updated: Mar 26, 2019

The CoS has added several new representatives since the last update in January. The Sleep Psychology Specialty Council is represented by Don Townsend, PhD, CBSM. The Clinical Neuropsychology Synarchy representative is Robin Hisableck, PhD, ABPP and Behavioral and Cognitive Specialty Council is represented by Jennifer Sayrs, PhD, ABPP. The School Psychology Specialty Council Representative is Carlen Henington, PhD, NCSP. Each of these representative will be serving their first three-year term (2019-2021) on CoS. Please refer to the “Officers and Roster” section of website which provides further information about institutional affiliations and contact information for CoS representatives.

The fourth Interorganizational Summit on Specialty, Specialization, and Board Certification will be held at APA Building on June 15 & 16, 2019. Invitations for representatives from various organizations have been sent. The final roster of attendees will include broad representation of stakeholder groups across the spectrum of education & training, specialty practice, and licensure/board certification. The Summit is co-sponsored by the American Board of Professional Psychology and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Updates on the Summit will be provided on the website.

A reminder that the next face-to-face meeting of CoS is Saturday, November 2

, 2019 at APA Building. In the interim, we will schedule conference call sometime in the later part of May. At the November meeting, CoS will need to elect a President and a Secretary for 2020-2021. Nominees for the CoS seat on the APA-Commission on Accreditation need to be forwarded to the Board of Educational Affairs this fall for a three-year term beginning 2020.

Richard J. Seime, PhD, ABPP

President  CoS  2018-2019


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